Cycling Etiquette when using “Greenway Trails”

More and more people are getting outside and away from the stresses of the COVID 19 pandemic. Our parks, neighborhood walkways, and mostly the Greenways are an easy access to fresh air and exercise.

However, with the increased traffic on these venues, the amount of pedestrian incidents increases as well. The Greenways are publicly built for multiple uses of all abilities such as walkers/runners, baby strollers, dog walking, bikes and even skateboards. It is not meant to be our personal training grounds to get in high speed workouts.

If you have been on any of these trails/paths/greenways, you are probably aware that there clearly needs to be a common sense approach to everyone being safe and courteous to each other.  Please take these simple aspects of etiquettes into practice and enjoy the outdoors.

Etiquette for Cyclist and Runners:

  • Always know your surroundings in front and behind you
  • When passing from behind, always say “on your left” and please pass on the left
  • Say “on your left” far and loud enough to be heard in plenty of time to allow safe passage
  • Slow down- give space- pay close attention to those you pass who may not be aware of your passing
  • Ringing a bike bell can be very helpful when passing those who have music ear buds or talking on the phone. The high pitch ring can be heard from much farther distances than the human voice.
  • Always expect the unexpected when passing children, dogs, and groups walking more than two abreast
  • Use lights both front and rear to help be “seen” from a distance
  • Obey speed limits especially when in congested areas and trail entrances
  • Say thank you to those you pass

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